This is Charlie. She’s one of the nicest kids you’ll ever meet. She’s kind, funny, polite, and she has one wish…

Charlie’s wish is that every child and their family receive the support, information and care they need to live well with epilepsy.

Will you help Charlie’s wish come true?

Epilepsy is a condition in which there is abnormal electrical activity in the brain (called seizures). Seizures occur suddenly and usually last for seconds to minutes. During a seizure, a person can experience a change in behaviour, body movements, and level of awareness.

This is why it’s so important people with epilepsy receive the support, information and care they need from the Epilepsy Foundation.

We help parents understand what epilepsy is and give them the education, guidance and training they need to help their child during a seizure.

We develop tailored Epilepsy Management Plans which provide essential and practical information for family, friends, carers and teachers on managing seizures, seizure emergencies, treatments and safety. These plans not only help minimise the impact of seizures on a child’s daily life but can help prevent the risk of injury in the event of a seizure. In some cases, these plans can help save a child’s life.  

One gift from YOU is all it takes to make Charlie’s wish come true.   Please donate today.

You’ll help a family whose child has been diagnosed with epilepsy, receive the support, information and care they need from the Epilepsy Foundation.

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