I'm fundraising for... the 1 in 3 people who are effected by seizures throughout life.
My son suffered multiple types of seizures in 2019. Every time he went to sleep they would happen so medication after medication reduced them until they were brought under control. It was so hard seeing him go through that and it is only because of his doctors and the Epilepsy Foundation that we've seen our son's wonderful strong personality really shine :)Thank you to my Sponsors

Margaret Murphy

Joy Stapleton
Best wishes Amy. Hope it isn’t too terrible xx

Monique Stapleton

Emma & Shohei

Lisa Jamieson
Go Any.

Todd Withington

Amy Murphy

Jill And Bob

Fiona Dickson

David Ange

Jack Stevens
Go Auntie Amy! From your little mate Jack x

Robyn Withington

Jude Mc
Love supporting a great cause but not going to lie, looking forward to you bringing on the slime!!! 😜

Kimberlee Olsen
Have fun getting slimed Amy!

Pat, Chris and Marg Go Amy