My Updates

Sunday 3rd Mar One night our world was turned upside down. My daughter was drinked spiked at her first party, only 10.30 pm friends contacted us, from there in Emergency her temperature went down to 34 c.An all nighter but she came through.
6 months later she developed Epilepsy, in and out of hospital. Epilepsy Ward at Westmead Hospital. numerous times, medications trials. Lost count on EEG"s,
Ashley went through each type of seizure known, Grand Mal, Gelastic, Absence to name only a few, to falling and unconscious. Non convulsive status so many times, lost count. Ashley would as if "not be there" walking around as in a trance, would dress in out of sequence clothing. Would burst out laughing (Gelastic Seizure) Greek for Laughter.
Ashley at one point was so bad I actually bought her a walking stick, one with the 3 prongs at the base to steady her.
Years later, came depression. So hard to watch your daughter constantly suffer, then suffer more.
We struggled, we soldiered on, we fought, we seeked help.